Surrogacy in Cyprus started more than 15 years ago and became much more popular since India banned surrogacy to foreigners in 2015 with an increase of more than 100% of cases.
After the war started in Ukraine in February 2022, clinics and agencies providing surrogacy in Ukraine looked for alternative saved and surrogacy friendly countries for the birth of their already-pregnant surrogate mothers. Surrogacy in Cyprus saw its booming point with a wiping 300% increase in cases and in popularity across online social media such Facebook and Instagram.
One of the main reasons Cyprus is the first choice for Ukrainian agencies and clinics after the breakout of the war is not only that the Cyprus is legally surrogacy tolerant but also because Cyprus is recognised for its medical excellency of new-born and child care.
What is surrogacy There are two different types of surrogacy: gestational surrogacy and traditional surrogacy
Gestational surrogacy
Gestational surrogacy is an advanced procedure that uses IVF techniques to fertilize the eggs collected from the intended mother or from a matching egg donor (after medical stimulation) with the sperm of the intended father. The resulting embryos are transferred to an Angels mother (surrogate mother) who carries the pregnancy to birth. At least one intended parent is genetically related to the newborn while the Angels mother is not genetically linked to the baby. These Angels mothers (surrogate mothers) are usually referred to as gestational carriers (GC), with almost no risk of attachment to the newborn as they are not genetically linked
Traditional surrogacy
Traditional surrogacy on the other hand uses the eggs (within her womb) of the surrogate mother and the sperm of the intended parent to have a pregnancy. The technique used for such a procedure in fertility clinics is called IUI (Intrauterine insemination). The sperm of the intended parent is cleaned in the laboratory and injected directly into the uterus of the surrogate mother during her ovulation period. The surrogate mother (angel mother) become pregnant of a child that she is genetically related to.
For obvious ethical reasons, traditional surrogacy is totally banned across Europe including the Cyprus

Is surrogacy legal in Cyprus The short answer: yes, surrogacy is authorised in Cyprus

A vast majority of intended parents believes that only Ukraine, and USA are opened to surrogacy (because commercial surrogacy is allowed in both countries), totally misunderstanding that surrogacy in Cyprus is allowed and opened to worldwide intended parents. The necessity of clarification of commercial and non-commercial surrogacy worldwide is to be highlighted.
Commercial surrogacy (Ukraine and USA) means that clinics and agencies in these countries are allowed to: advertised surrogacy openly, create a surrogacy commercial business, paid the surrogate mothers high amounts, intended parents can openly advertised that they are looking for a surrogate mother and vice versa, both parties can enter into an employer and employee relationship with a surrogacy robust contract before attorneys and notaries while completely erasing the human factors of the surrogate mother…
Non-commercial surrogacy (Cyprus, UK, Netherland…) means that the surrogate mother remains a person with dignity (an Angel), the contract is established with mutual understanding of all parties involve, the altruistic factor of helping a childless couple to enjoy children via surrogacy is respected, the ethic is kept by having the surrogate dignity respected, the clinics and mediation professionals assisting intended parents and surrogates mothers during their surrogacy journey are working in a straight and highly professional manners to achieve the intended parents dreams of becoming parents, the surrogate mothers are not making profit out of the contract but are refunded their expenses (clinic, lawyer, notary, rent and other life expenses, loss of wage, medications, vitamins, foods, travel…) in an orderly manner according to their own will…
Surrogacy in Cyprus is legal and not directly regulated by an association linked to the Cypriot government. Surrogacy in Cyprus is indirectly regulated by IVF guidelines.
Surrogacy in Cyprus is acceptable when the surrogate mother is not remunerated in connection with the pregnancy, birth and transfer of the child to a third party. As such act refer to commercial surrogacy, this would amount to a criminal offence of entrusting a child to another person.
According to the family law, when a child birth occurs in Cyprus/Czech including with surrogacy, the mother legal mother of the baby is the woman who gave birth. Even when an egg donor was another woman. The father is considered to be the man who gave consent for artificial insemination if the surrogate other is not married. In case of surrogacy in Cyprus with birth in Czech Republic, the intended father is the legal father of the baby at birth, providing that the relevant procedures are followed. Depending on the country of origin of the intended mother, she may need to follow the adoption route in her own country: surrogacy county by country.
What legislation prevail in surrogacy?
The intended parents’ legislation always prevails in the surrogacy arrangement typically in countries where surrogacy is prohibited. The majority of European countries requires the birth certificate to mirror the reality and that the other partner to pursue an adoption route.
Who need a surrogacy treatment A variety of reasons push intended parents to seek surrogacy treatments

Infertility in heterosexual couple
In its publication in April 2023, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reported that 1 in 6 of the world adult population is facing infertility. Seeing the threat infertility presents to humanity, the WHO urges for high quality fertility care and fertility program across the globe.
Medical reasons for surrogacy
A few direct examples are previous cancer patients, endometriosis/adenomyosis patients, immune system disorder patients, Thrombophilia.
Anatomy reasons for surrogacy
A direct example is women born without a uterus also known as MRKH.
Early menopause reason for surrogacy
Some women, with or without medical conditions enter into menopause at a very premature age. Some of them as young as 25 years old
Unknow infertility reasons
There is a vast majority of women that the current medicine does not understand the reasons behind their infertility. This infertility is usually detected when they try to conceive naturally without success for over a year. The majority of these women may need surrogacy to become parents.
Single parent for surrogacy (men and women)
When finding the soulmate was not possible. Some men and woman thought they found their soulmate. After an extremely psychological damaging relationship or rupture with their once thought soulmate. These men and women ended up single as the trust to a partner in life totally vanished.
Lgbt for surrogacy
Impossible circumstances
Why start surrogacy in Cyprus You want the best and affordable

You start surrogacy in Cyprus with Angels Friend because we
thoroughly vetted all our medical team on your behalf and offers guaranteed
surrogacy journey. For a start, the cheapest guaranteed surrogacy, which takes
all the risks you may come across as intended parents, is offered to you at the
costs less than €20000* because we have a complete trust in our medical team’s
experience and ability to deliver a successful journey. Learn more here.
Besides, Cyprus is a touristic island in Europe where one
can book vacation alongside fertility treatment. Its location is highly
advantageous for new parents that wish to return home quickly with their baby.
It is easy and straightforward to commute to the Cyprus from many European countries.
Partner clinics have the latest fertility technology and
update in reproductive medicine. Finally, our partner clinic in Cyprus is one
of the top successful rate of IVF transfer we recorded. This results from a
comprehensive protocol made in place by our doctor: we call it the winning
When to decide that surrogacy is the right treatment You make the decision

Why doctors are not giving the right information
There is not an international law on surrogacy. Therefore, surrogacy laws differ widely in each country around the world and in particular across Europe. It is prohibited in the majority of European countries. Due to that prohibition, gynaecologists and IVF clinics do not provide the right information and treatments to infertile women in their own country. All over the social media, it is the norm to read women that are had more than 8 unsuccessful IVF attempts, and they still advised the same IVF treatment. Little they know that it is their own responsibility to take control of the decision to start a surrogacy journey because it may be unlawful for their doctor to provide them any advice or recommendation on surrogacy treatment.
When is it the right time to start surrogacy
This section will benefit the most intended parents that are totally new to surrogacy and need all basics unbiased information to educate themselves on the procedures and costs.
Starting as surrogacy depends on your medical history. Typically, intended parents consult a surrogacy agency after:
A doctor recommendation (in countries where doctors can speak out openly)
From 3 unsuccessful IVF failures (this is the reason many countries offer 3 attempts on their national IVF health care system)
After a diagnosis of a condition that put your life at risk during pregnancy
After a diagnosis that you cannot carry a child
After the diagnosis of a condition that will prevent you from carrying out a pregnancy to full term
After recurrent miscarriage
Do not hesitate to contact us for information if your situation does not fall into the categories above.
How to approach your own gynaecologist
It is recommended that all women with history of infertility should ask the hardest question she could ever ask to her gynaecologist: All doctors are bind to medical secrecy. Therefore, with my medical history, tell me openly what are my chances to have a successful pregnancy with IVF without miscarriage or complication and at what percentage do you recommend surrogacy for my case. As it is a delicate topic, your gynaecologist may naturally try to encourage you with her answer.
At last, you will definitely have a good idea what your fertility situation is.
How much does surrogacy cost in the Cyprus Your surrogate mother and baby health is the priority

The lowest surrogacy cost
The cost of surrogacy worldwide may vary from as low as €25000 to an eye watering of €200000 in some developed countries. The cost of surrogacy in the Cyprus is relatively low compared to many other countries, and the process from start to finish is very quick; as fast as the intended parents want. These factors make the Cyprus a very attractive destination for intended parents. The low cost of surrogacy in Cyprus does not concede on the high quality of medical care provided by clinics and hospitals.
Although surrogate mothers do not output a profit during their help in the surrogacy journey, the cost of covering your surrogate mother expenses can add to a significant amount. This is the main cost future parents cover during their surrogacy journey. Such cost may vary from a surrogate mother to another and it depends how expensive the country and city of residency of the surrogate mother is. Surrogate mothers are entitled to the refund of all expenses such as clinic, lawyer, notary, rent and other life expenses, loss of wage, medications, vitamins, foods, travel, medical cost, delivery and maternity, clothes…
Other costs related to surrogacy are IVF with or without egg donation, counselling and support management, delivery and maternity, legal procedure after birth just to name a few.
Why is surrogacy expensive
Surrogacy in the Cyprus is very affordable for all intended parents. A survey shows that several intended parents budget a surrogacy journey as follow:
IVF: €3000
Refund of surrogate fee: €10000
Delivery: €3000
Miscellaneous: 1000
Total budget: €17000
Unfortunately, there are costs that were underestimated and many important costs such medications, travel, accommodation, mediation and counselling, notary, pregnancy care, lawyers… that were ignored.
Knowing all the services that are involved to achieve your goal of being parents via surrogacy is important to make a more realistic estimation.
Why our surrogate mothers do not change their mind Not a surrogate mother, your Angels mother

She is your angels mother
Surrogate mothers are Angels mothers that dedicate their own time and life for the happiness of their intended parents. They are mothers that understand the happiness and light their own child brought into their life, and they are keen to help another family experience the same happiness.
Some critics of non-commercial surrogacy argue that non-commercial surrogacy is negative to parents because the surrogate name is written in the birth certificate of the newborn. They argue that such a procedure presents a risk that the surrogate mother will change her mind.
The truth and the facts
Altruistic surrogacy such as surrogacy in Cyprus, surrogacy in Czech Republic and surrogacy in the Netherlands… has been running for over 15 years and cases where the Angel mother changed her mind are next to non-existant. In Altruistic surrogacy and all Angel mothers understand that they are coming into a surrogacy journey for your happiness. In addition, no woman is ready to have a child with someone they do not personally know for a considerable amount of time, someone they love and want for life.
The facts above show that such a risk is almost inexistant
How to return home with my baby after surrogacy First question to answer before the surrogacy journey start

First question to answer
A very high number of intended parents longing for a baby travel around the world to satisfied the natural need of becoming parents. From the start of their surrogacy journey, one of their main concerns that generate sleepless nights is: how do I take my baby home after the surrogacy?
Mediation and surrogacy agencies with relatively high experience with intended parents of several countries, Angels Friend team leads you step by step until you reach home with your baby. In Addition, you can benefit from our network lawyers based and experience with similar surrogacy cases in your country to assist you in the final procedures.